
The Misadventures of Udon Girl is entirely fictional. Perhaps it doesn't even exist. No animals were harmed in the making of its articles. Any and all resemblances to real people, places, or things dead or living are entirely coincidental. Its content is not publicized in any way, shape, or form, and is purely for the entertainment of its creator.
Udon Girl

I heart MAPUAns

Birthdays mean love. Because love means foods. And foods mean lotsa lotsa foods. And lotsa lotsa foods mean blissfulness.

Last Friday was a day of bliss. :)

To share my uber happy blissful moment, I want to thank the birthday celebrants for preparing very delicious foods that made my tummy very, very happy.

As a matter of fact, I'm still full until now.

That's because I had a breakfast of four slices of left-over Pizza. Heh

Anyway, to show my appreciation, I actually composed a poem for you guys! I hope you'll be touched with my sincerity and gratitude by reading my very touching poem. :)

RTUians love MAPUAns

Mapuans are the best,
The best among the rest!
The other day, we ate Pancit Canton,
Yesterday, we ate again, Pancit Canton!

We take our break for an hour and a half
Cos we are the boss and talk nonstop and laugh
After the break, we went back to the office
Straight to our WS and opened the chat conference.

Aye! Aye! Working in the office is so much fun
As long as my co-interns are Mapuans
Please bring foods again on Monday
I don't mind Pancit Canton, but I suggest to bring something like Satay

-August 2010

With love,
Udon Girl

Update: I almost forgot that Bugoy also had his contribution to the foods during the party. And the Mango Crema was really, really yummy, along with the egg pies! To commemorate his generosity, I composed a birthday song especially for him! :)

Happy birthday to you
You are born in the zoo
With gay birds and hippos
May the rhinos rape u
-August 2010


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