
The Misadventures of Udon Girl is entirely fictional. Perhaps it doesn't even exist. No animals were harmed in the making of its articles. Any and all resemblances to real people, places, or things dead or living are entirely coincidental. Its content is not publicized in any way, shape, or form, and is purely for the entertainment of its creator.
Udon Girl

A one day superstar. :)

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a flashy day, because i had a flashy day! Literally. :)

That's because someone just saw Pretty Udon Girl's potential of being an actress! To cut the long story short on how i was discovered, I just heard my Very Kind Boss telling the regulars about the shooting being held in the other Lab. Being a Woman of Action, the response of my brain cells were as quicked as a lightning bolt that i never hesitated to rush in to the place where the shooting was being held. As i jolted in the Lab, the lights-men, directors, and make-up artists were so fascinated with my presence that they quickly positioned me to act for their upcoming promotion of my lovable company's latest technology. :)

The exciting experience started as they made me sit in front of the PC along with my colleagues. They started the shooting by, Lights, Camera, Action! with a huge professional video cam being focused at my back and zoomed in on the monitor screens. Then after 5 mins. or so, the shooting ended and was commanded to exit the Lab. It was indeed, a very great experience I would always cherish throughout my life. :)

Even though there was no talent fee to be given to us, i was kind enough to be able to share my talents and looks for the benefit of my lovable company. :)

With love,
Udon Girl

P.S.: Too bad to my Scoundrel Servant. She was absent for today because my Strong Incredible Virus were passed on to her that made her sick. Such a weakling, meh. Haha! I bet she will be depressed and probably envy me like an idiot when i told her how I will be appearing on TV! Nyihahaha!


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