Monday, August 16, 2010
A one day superstar. :)
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a flashy day, because i had a flashy day! Literally. :)
That's because someone just saw Pretty Udon Girl's potential of being an actress! To cut the long story short on how i was discovered, I just heard my Very Kind Boss telling the regulars about the shooting being held in the other Lab. Being a Woman of Action, the response of my brain cells were as quicked as a lightning bolt that i never hesitated to rush in to the place where the shooting was being held. As i jolted in the Lab, the lights-men, directors, and make-up artists were so fascinated with my presence that they quickly positioned me to act for their upcoming promotion of my lovable company's latest technology. :)
The exciting experience started as they made me sit in front of the PC along with my colleagues. They started the shooting by, Lights, Camera, Action! with a huge professional video cam being focused at my back and zoomed in on the monitor screens. Then after 5 mins. or so, the shooting ended and was commanded to exit the Lab. It was indeed, a very great experience I would always cherish throughout my life. :)
Even though there was no talent fee to be given to us, i was kind enough to be able to share my talents and looks for the benefit of my lovable company. :)
With love,
Udon Girl
P.S.: Too bad to my Scoundrel Servant. She was absent for today because my Strong Incredible Virus were passed on to her that made her sick. Such a weakling, meh. Haha! I bet she will be depressed and probably envy me like an idiot when i told her how I will be appearing on TV! Nyihahaha!
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